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Terms & Conditions

These Terms of Use (/Terms/) govern the access or use by you, an individual, from within India of applications, websites, content, products, and services (the /Services/) made available by Gigo Technologies Private Limited, having its registered office at Bahubalendra sahi, Sodha Dobal, Bhadrak, Odisha (/GigoFix/). PLEASE READ THESE TERMS CAREFULLY BEFORE ACCESSING OR USING THE SERVICES. Your access and use of the Services constitutes your agreement to be bound by these Terms, which establishes a contractual relationship between you and GigoFix. If you do not agree to these Terms, you may not access or use the Services. These Terms expressly supersede prior written agreements with you. Supplemental terms may apply to certain Services, such as policies for a particular event, activity or promotion, and such supplemental terms will be disclosed to you in connection with the applicable Services. Supplemental terms are in addition to, and shall be deemed a part of, the Terms for the purposes of the applicable Services. Supplemental terms shall prevail over these Terms in the event of a conflict with respect to the applicable Services.